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[05-11 21:54:12]   来源:http://www.xxk123.com  英文名人名言   阅读:8959

导读:18) 时尚,作为丑陋的表现形式,是如此让人难以忍受以至于我们不得不每六个月就改变它一次。“Fashion is a form of ugliness so intolerable that we have to alter it every six months."19) 【圣诞专题】圣诞常用语:雪橇Sled圣诞老人Santa长筒袜Stockings圣诞礼物Christmas gift圣诞树christmas tree圣诞景象Christmas scene棒棒糖lollipop驯鹿reindeer圣诞圣歌Christmas hymn三驾马车three-in-hand圣诞卡Christmas card银色圣诞White Christmas; parcel; wrap烟囱chimney壁炉fireplace20) 【专家称2012世界末日存误差】 据美国ABC News 10yue 20日报道,一项最新研究显示,具有神话色彩的世界末日的日期可能要向后推迟xx年到1xx年。According to the ABC News of October 2


18) 时尚,作为丑陋的表现形式,是如此让人难以忍受以至于我们不得不每六个月就改变它一次。“Fashion is a form of ugliness so intolerable that we have to alter it every six months."

19) 【圣诞专题】圣诞常用语:雪橇Sled圣诞老人Santa长筒袜Stockings圣诞礼物Christmas gift圣诞树christmas tree圣诞景象Christmas scene棒棒糖lollipop驯鹿reindeer圣诞圣歌Christmas hymn三驾马车three-in-hand圣诞卡Christmas card银色圣诞White Christmas; parcel; wrap烟囱chimney壁炉fireplace

20) 【专家称2012世界末日存误差】 据美国ABC News 10yue 20日报道,一项最新研究显示,具有神话色彩的世界末日的日期可能要向后推迟xx年到1xx年。According to the ABC News of October 20, a recent research has showed that the mythological date of the "end of days" may be off by 50 to 100 years

21) 【潮人不可不知的时尚词汇】之续集——麦霸:Mic king / Mic queen 另类:offbeat 驴友:tour pal 娘娘腔:sissy 负翁:spend-more-than-earn luo奔:streaking 小白脸,吃软饭的:kept man 家庭主男:house-husband 装病不上班 play hooky from work

22) 【你会用英语吵架吗?】 Take a hike! 哪儿凉快哪儿歇着去吧。You piss me off. 你气死我了。You piss me off. 你气死我了。What were you thinking? 你脑子进水啊?Nonsense! 鬼话!

23) 不要为所能为,不要花尽所有,不要全信所闻,不要言尽所知。Do not all you can, spend not all you have; believe not all you hear; and tell not all youknow.

24) 【是工作让你单身吗】Is Your Job Keeping You Single? 1. "I don't have time to date."我没时间去约会。2. "My boss knows I'm single and singles me out."上司因为知道我单身给了我很多工作任务,搞得我一直单身3. "Everyone I know is taken/married/coupled up."我认识的每个人都名花有主/结婚了

25) 【冬至相关英文表达】冬至:The winter solstice;Winter Solstice Festival;饺子:Dumplings , Chinese meat ravioli, Jiaozi;馄饨:Wonton, dumplings in soup;米团:Rice dumpling;长线面:Long noodle ;冬至祭祖:Offering a Sacrifice to the Ancestors on the Winter Solstice

26) 我诅咒你一辈子买方便面没有调料包。I curse your buying instant noodles without getting flavoring bags.

27) 【哈佛警言】This moment will nap, you will have a dream; But this moment study, you will interpret a dream. 此刻打盹,你将做梦;而此刻学习,你将圆梦

28) 坏记性的好处在于可以多次如同第一次般的享受到同一个美好事物带来的欢乐。 The advantage of a bad memory is that one enjoys several times the same good things for the first time.

29) 【教你无法抵抗的圣诞节表白】我早上醒来的原因有两个:闹钟和你。 There are two reasons why I wake up in the morning: my alarm clock and you.

30) 【你的尾数是多少】如果把你的手机号码最后四位换成你一个月的工资。。。我的话,0008。。。 If the last four numbers of your cell number will be changed to your monthly pay , for me, it's 0008.

31) 我是天使,回不去天堂是因为体重的原因。I am an angel, and the reason why I can not go back to heaven is the problem of my weight.

32) 【情侣之间的英语昵称】spouse 是配偶,指夫或妻,用于正式的场合;other half,“另一半”,那口子(指自己的配偶),也可指代男女朋友;boyfriend/girlfriend 男/女朋友,指尚未步入婚姻殿堂的情侣们;fiance/fiancee未婚夫/妇;当a couple直呼对方时:dear; honey;babe;darling;sweetheart

33) 【美国生活小常识】two for three dollars. 很多人第一次来到美国的超市买东西都会有同样的疑问, 它上面写着 two for three dollars 那倒底可不可以只买一个呢? 答案是可以的. 买一个会不会比较贵呢? 其实一点也不会, 如果 two for three dollars 那么买一个就是一块半啦.

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