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[03-17 13:51:20]   来源:http://www.xxk123.com  小学英语教案   阅读:8396

导读:Dalian and played football.三、Activity book:A. Read the text and tick ( ) or cross ( )1. Lingling has got some books.2. They are photos of England.3. Lingling went to Xinjiang last years.4. Lingling went with her mother and father.5. She stayed for two weeks.6. She went in May.7. She saw the mountains.8. Hainan is in the south of China.9. Lingling’s uncle has two children.10. Ms Smart met Lingling’s cousins in June.B. Listen and match:1. Lili went

Dalian and played football.

三、Activity book:

A. Read the text and tick ( ) or cross ( )

1. Lingling has got some books.

2. They are photos of England.

3. Lingling went to Xinjiang last years.

4. Lingling went with her mother and father.

5. She stayed for two weeks.

6. She went in May.

7. She saw the mountains.

8. Hainan is in the south of China.

9. Lingling’s uncle has two children.

10. Ms Smart met Lingling’s cousins in June.

B. Listen and match:
1. Lili went to … a) mother and grandmother

2. Qingdao is in the… b) in the sea

3. She went with her… c) Qingdao

4. The weather was … d) warm there

5. Every day she swam… e) east of China

6. She ate … f) happy

7. They were very… g) lots of fish


1. Read the text. 2. Remember the new words.

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